iWALKFREE Rehab Rehabilitation Knee Walker Crutch Aid Product Description:
- The first of its kind in the world, iWALKFree is a revolutionary hands-free crutch designed to meet the mobility needs of people with non-weight bearing lower leg injuries.
- iWALKFree is a potent alternative to traditional crutches, allowing its users: ? self-sufficiency through the full use of their arms and hands
- easy to put on, take off, and adjust, takes little time to get used to.
- The Hands-Free Crutch continues to be the subject of positive medical assessments and clinical study, particularly under the auspice of the Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada.
- iWALKFree is constructed of UV-resistant and hypoallergenic materials
Product Description
iWALKFREE Rehab Rehabilitation Knee Walker Crutch Aid
BRAND NEW TO MARKET! GET YOURS NOW!!! DON' WAIT!!! Part Number: CDL82000 BRAND NEW, IN STOCK, READY TO BE SHIPPED TO YOU!! About iWALKFree The first of its kind in the world, iWALKFree is a revolutionary hands-free crutch designed to meet the mobility needs of people with non-weight bearing lower leg injuries. iWALKFree is a potent alternative to traditional crutches, allowing its users: ? self-sufficiency through the full use of their arms and hands ? the opportunity to take an active part in their lives and their rehabilitation The device supports the knee and upper leg using a universal, ambidextrous fastening system that allows for almost any adjustment for user height and leg size. The medical benefits to users include: ? improved mobility ? improved motor function ? improved personal esteem through management of daily affairs Product Design To assemble and fit iWALKFree: trim the beam to equal the inseam measurement 1. with the user seated with leg bent at a 90-degree angle, measure the distance from the back of knee to the ground of the unaffected limb. This determines the height for the top of the tray 2. to attach the tray, unlock the front cam clip; disengage locking pin; slide tray onto the beam; lock pins; lock cam clip at the front of the tray 3. to attach the straps*, unlock cam clip of lower strap; slide onto beam just above knee; lock cam clip; repeat with upper strap; slide onto beam just below groin; lock cam clip 4. install beam cap *all straps can be flipped for right or left-handed use To Check for Proper Fit: When walking with iWALKFree, you should be able to swing your leg freely front to back without catching it on the ground. If you can't move it freely, then iWALKFree is too long, and needs to be readjustedCustomer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
30 of 31 people found the following review helpful.Lower Leg Injury? You NEED This.
By N. Chan
I did not buy this from Amazon but feel compelled to contribute a positive review since so little is known about this terrific product.My Injury & Search for Maximum Mobility:I ruptured my Achilles tendon on June 7, 2010. My right foot will be NWB (non-weight bearing) for 3 months. After being on conventional crutches for one week and discovering how limited they were (e.g. heating up a coffee in the microwave and taking it to the kitchen table becomes an exercise in strategic planning), I found the "Freedom Leg" on-line (I'll let you google for that), but from what I read, most of the Internet "buzz" painted a promising picture but very few positive testimonials from actual users (not counting their youtube video). I suspect the product is just too new. One of their on-line retailers stopped carrying it due to numerous returns and one spontaneous failure (yikes!). There are several interesting alternatives such as leg/knee scooters, the onecrutch, and fore-arm crutches, but in my job, I drive and/or fly to meet customers. I carry a laptop, luggage, stay in hotels etc. A wheel chair or powered scooter were not practical unless I remodeled my home.About the iWALKFree:Then my wife found the iwalkfree. Necessity is the mother of invention, and the inventor created this in 97 after a bad fall. Since then, it has been certified by the FDA and Canadian medical authorities as an approved medical device. It has been blogged about at places like [...] among others and all signs pointed to a viable alternative. After a minor fall going down stairs on the crutches, I ordered the iwalkfree and received it Jun 24. The manufacturer recommends using a cane until you gain your balance and I concur...but after "testing" it for a few hours for stability, I "strapped it on" and went to dinner the same day. I did not feel very stable but thought "This is your best chance for mobility for the next 3 months...get used to it!". I am happy to report I DID get used to it and highly recommend it.Things to Consider:1. Fit - Make sure you get it sized correctly; the aluminum strut needs to be cut to match your leg's inseam. If not, it could poke into your abdomen when taking large strides. Not the end of the world, you will need a saw to cut away any excess. I read on productwiki a reviewer who believed it was not designed well for males since the top strap rides high into your crotch. I've had no issues at all.2. IMHO, this is for people who:a) WANT to be mobile - if you're already a couch potato...stop reading and grab another mouthful of nachos.b) Fairly active and have good trainable balance - I'm no ballerina or superstar athlete. I can ride a bike, ski blues and occasional blacks and do a 10K in about an hour, I have decent adaptable balance. You will place additional load on your "good leg" especially going up and down steep terrain, e.g. hiking up a moderately inclined mountain trail that was supposed to take 15 minutes walking took me about 20 - 25 minutes on the iWalk. I don't believe reviewers who've said you need to be "very athletic".3. Not great for constantly getting up and down (i.e. in a chair) - With repeated practice I can take it on/off in 15 to 30 seconds WITHOUT any help. I think this is a decent trade off against the overall mobility it provides.4. People will stare at you - If this makes you too uncomfortable or self-conscious...don't bother. By my 3rd day with it, I went to Costco by myself for about 3 hours...I purposely avoided parking in a wheel chair spot. I had at least 5 people approach me to ask about it and enough staring/gawking to make me think I was a real hottie.5. Pressure/Rubbing on your injured leg - Some have complained that the position it puts your leg in can cause shin or (in my case heel pain). Look carefully at the position it puts the injured leg in, it is almost horizontal on the "knee shelf". Consider your cast/brace/CAM walker/boot and whether or not you think this will be a problem. The position is most like having the injured leg on a chair (likely what you presently do in the bathroom or kitchen right?). Depending how active you want to be, you may experience a bit of leg bounce on the injured leg. For me, the weight of my CAM walker/boot occasionally causes heel pain in this position e.g. when I tried playing badminton or basketball so I took numerous breaks.6. Padding on the knee shelf adequate? I weigh about 140 lbs. and other than putting a cotton pad on the knee shelf for breath-ability (I sweat a lot and it is summer), I find the padding just fine. I am a tad concerned that the foam may compress (i.e. pack out) beyond usefulness at the end of my 3 month NWB period...in the worst case, it looks easily replaceable and is clearly as a result to the constant use it gets.I would give it 5 stars if it had options for a suspension/shock absorber (like on a bike) and an add-on to attach to a bike pedal so it could serve double duty as an iBIKEFree :). Conversely, I can see that its genius is in its simplicity. I am a fan of this device and highly recommend it to everyone I talk to.
24 of 25 people found the following review helpful.Here's an HONEST review
By R. S. Winsor
Too many reviews of this item are either HATE it or LOVE it.Here is the real deal with these things. Yes, they give you capability you won't have with crutches. HOWEVER, there are some capabilities you WON'T have with this thing that you WILL have with crutches. I hate crutches, and I like this product, so don't get me wrong, but the folks at iwalkfree have not finished this product - it is still clearly in development and not quite where it SHOULD be for a product of this price. And I'll start by pointing out that as a mechanical engineer working with such components for industry, there is about $60 in parts here at the most and it retails for $450. For that price I want THE BEST QUALITY - but they don't put the best quality into this.The materials are good quality, and like many people say, after a couple days of practice I found it much easier and natural to use (as compared with day one). And I love this thing for what I can do with it that I can't do with crutches. But I also hate this thing for the few SIMPLE things they could have done to it to actually make it useful for the variety of activities during the day.Most importantly, the straps on this are quite strong, but take FAR TOO LONG to remove. There needs to be a FAST way to remove these straps, and there are certainly straps out there with quick-release clasps that could do the job, but they have placed latches on this thing that make it a pain in the neck to remove - so much so that I dread the notion of having to take it off and put it back on because it's just too darned time consuming. If I need to get something done quickly, this thing is not what I grab - I grab the crutches. I only use this when I need to be able to use my hands while getting around the house, or when needing to walk longer distances.Another problem is that the design of the height adjustment is awkward. If I want to change height, I need to adjust EVERYTHING. This is important because of the swing-through issue with this device. On flat floors, no issues, but going outside and walking on uneven grass can create a desire for one-notch lower on height. But that's not a good idea because you can't do that without readjusting everything. They need to change it so that a person can choose between a few (maybe 3) height positions easily. This could be done by changing how the knee carriage and straps interface to the pole. The way it's designed, one must tackle uneven ground MUCH more slowly than possible on crutches, even though on even floors this thing can be faster than crutches.Another problem is the knee pad itself. Although it's mostly quite comfortable in terms of padding, the knee pad is prone to causing sweat on a bare leg (a summertime problem). So a person needs to put some sort of absorbent fabric over it, and this is not so simple to do with the latches the way they are. It would be nice if they could include some sort of fabric swatches (maybe with velcro attachments to the knee platform) to prevent skin sticking to the rubber knee pad. A low cost enhancement to a pricey object.Walking on steeper slopes is not as nice with this as with crutches. With crutches, a much steeper slope (up or down) can be tackled. With this, you are limited by your swing-through clearance (height adjustment).Also, although I can walk a LOT with this thing without needing a cane, I feel I need a cane for any set of steps that have two or more to climb or go down. One step is OK (like a curb), but two or more needs a railing. In many places, a railing is NOT installed for 2-3 steps (many homes have 2-3 steps to get to the front door, but no railing), and this is a place where one can fall easily.Last, as a person unable to drive while needing to use this, it's also a pain to get into and out of a car - and the person who is offering me a ride has to wait that much longer for me to get into and out of their car. If they fixed the latches to be quick-release and quick-attach, maybe this would not be such a big deal. But since it takes so long to remove and re-attach as compared with crutches, it's a real nuisance when dealing with cars.Three stars because I truly get to be able to do some things I can't do with crutches. But it gets points docked for being so pricey yet so rudimentary in terms of capability. They COULD make this thing MUCH faster to put on and take off - MUCH more ergonomic. But they don't because they know they are the only game in town. They won't be for long if they don't fix these issues.
16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.Great Product For Lower Leg Injuries
By M. Mahoney
I fully echo N. Chan's July 10, 2010 review. Her points are well organized and articulately presented. When I was looking for reviews before purchasing an iWALKFree, I found hers to be the best review out there (Thank you N. Chan!). Based on my 3 weeks with the iWALKFree, I will only add a few points to her comprehensive write-up.1. I too have found the iWALKFree device to be a huge quality of life improvement over using crutches. Not only can you carry and lift things with your hands, but you can easily and comfortably simply stand upright and have conversations, etc. without being draped over crutches. And you are no longer dependent on others to get things for you.2. There are other rolling knee walker devices out there, but they cannot go over rough and uneven terrain, and even stairs, like the iWALKFree can. I thought some of the things I read others were doing on thier iWALKFree's were "stretches" of the truth (swinging a golf club, throwing a ball, mowing the lawn, etc.), but after 3 weeks on my iWALKFree, I have done all of those and more.3. It took my cast technician two modifications to the top of my cast, for the iWALKFree to be comfortable. At first the cast was so high that it put pressure on the little bony protrusion below the knee (tibial tuberosity), so we took 1 1/2" off the top of the cast. Then the newly cut top of the cast dug into my shin, so I went back and he added some padding. I can now wear it for several hours at at a time before I need to get off of the leg for a while.4. A related product that you might look into if you have a lower leg cast or injury is the DryCorp "Dry Pro" surgical rubber waterproof cast protector. It goes on and off quickly so that you can shower or bathe without getting your cast wet. And I have been swimming laps in mine as well. It is a big improvement over the garbage bag and rubber band method that I used to use each morning to shower - no to mention the ability to swim again and get some exercise.5. I told my wife this weekend that if I were forced to make the choice between 10 weeks in a non-weight bearing cast WITH the use of the iWALKFree VERSUS only 5 weeks in a cast on crutches, I would choose 10 weeks WITH the iWALKFree... it improves my quality of life that much!Mike
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