Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector Product Description:
- Full X, K, SuperWide Ka, and Safety Warning System radar capability, digital "POP" radar alert, and Safety Warning System message display
- Advanced AutoScan processing and digital signal processing increase range and virtually eliminate false alerts
- Easy-to-use programming allows you to customize up to 7 options for your specific driving style
- Immune to VG-2 radar detector detection, so law enforcement cannot detect its use
- One-year limited warranty
Product Description
Beltronics Pro RX65 radar/laser/safety detector provides ultra performance! This detector has it all. Digital technology provides ultra long-range detection. Features include text display, digital voice alerts, 7 selectable features, and custom travel case. It integrates with Laser Pro 905 for laser blocking.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
94 of 95 people found the following review helpful.Saved my rear behind a few times...
By Vladimir Ratner
I got this radar as a present from my in-laws. Of course, I knew what I was getting, since that was what I asked them to get for me for my birthday :-) . Anyhow. The first week, my brother-in-law borrowed it from me to go to NYC (we live in Upstate, NY - about 6 hour drive to New York City). When he came back, he didn't want to give me the radar back, that's how much he liked it. He's had a few radars in the past, but he said that this one is by far superior to all the other ones, including the latest one from Passport. The next week, my wife and I took a trip to Niagara Falls, and this little "guy" worked its magic. I could "see" the cops long before they could "see" me. So, here is a little pros and cons list for this item:Pros:Range - like I already mentioned before, it's got a great "range", and gave me plenty of time to slow down before the cops could catch my speed on their radar guns.Features - it's got "tons" of cool features. You can program it any way you like it. It's also got one of those "safety" features on it. It tells you if there is a construction going on or an accident on a road ahead (this feature is not present in all areas though).Controls - the controls are totally awesome! Their easy to access and very "user-friendly", meaning that you don't have to read through the manual to figure out how to do something. Even the power cord has a mute button on it! Very sleek!Cons:Price - this is probably one of the most expensive radar detectors on the market. But, if you want the best, be prepare to pay for it.Summary: It's certainly not cheap, but I think it's well worth the price. Great radar! Highly recommended!
60 of 61 people found the following review helpful.Best One to Own
By G. Edwards
I have utilized the RX 65 in over thousands of miles of highway driving. It never misses, and it has saved me tickets everywhere. One of the features I like best about this detector, compared to the Escort 8500 X50, which I also own, is the different sounds associated with each radar frequency range. For example, Ka detection emits a chirping sound, different from the warble for K band,and the tone for X band detection. This allows the driver to keep his eyes on the road rather than look at the radar detector. At those highway speeds this is a great advantage in trying to locate the source of the radar.In informal tests by me, I found the RX65 slightly more sensitive than the Escort 8500 X50, although not by much.In both cases, according to the some of the radar test web sites, beware that while these units claim invisibility to police radar detector detectors, they in fact do emit slight amounts of local osciallator signal detectable by newer model police radar detector detectors. Professional drivers note.The new Beltronics STI radar detector, with zero local oscillator EMI, is the one to buy for professional drivers concerned with transmitting any measurable radar detector emissions.
47 of 49 people found the following review helpful.Great product, crappy after sales support / service
By Raghupathy Srinivasan
It's been over a year since I got this product. I spent around 340$ to buy it and another 100$ hard wiring and perma-mounting it on my dash. Since then - this detector has saved me from dozens of tickets. Even with a conservative estimate of 150$ per ticket that works out to over 4000 $. More than 10 times my investment. If you like to push the speed limits - this is a must have!The build quality is good, it's easy to use, detection range is great. There are a lot of false positives (I always have it on highway mode), but you soon learn to tune out x band and listen for the Ka band and to a lesser extent K band. Of course - laser detection is iffy and rather pointless in my opinion. After all once you've been popped the fact becomes academic.If you rely exclusively on this detector to warn you about speedtraps - this (or any other radar detector) might not help you much. Instead - if you use this as an additional early warning mechanism and augment this by staying alert, keeping an eye out for obvious speedtraps etc - this baby will pay off.Now to the less savory details. Beltronics customer support sucks. Period. End of story. If you purchase this product from Beltronics directly - they hear you out grudgingly. If instead - you purchase this product from ANYONE else - they just tell you contact the seller. They will not answer even simple technical questions. They will not help you troubleshoot your device. They will not accept returns or honor their warranties. Their stock excuse being the large number of duplicates or rebuilt units flooding the market. The only recourse you have is to go back to the seller. Optionally I guess you could report them to the BBB.In my case I was lucky, since the seller ([...]) was pretty helpful and replaced the defective piece right away. And I guess any product you get from Amazon has similar protection. BUT if you purchase it from a less helpful / influential seller - be prepared for the worst customer support ever.With that said - this is a great product. Just be careful whom you buy it from.
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